Maouzoun (‘equilibrado, medido, bien acompasado’ en árabe) es el dúo formado por el laudista sirio, tañedor de ud, Shble Saleem, y la violinista noruega Inger Hannisdal, quien fluye entre diversos lenguajes musicales, como los propios de su tierra, la música árabe o el jazz. Recreando el espíritu de las músicas que bullían en El Cairo de la primera mitad del siglo XX, especiadas con pinceladas nórdicas, nos presentan su proyecto con este disco.
Maouzoun (‘balanced, metered, with rhythm’ in Arabic) is the duo formed by the Syrian oud player Shble Saleem and the Norwegian violinist Inger Hannisdal, who flows between various musical languages, including those of her homeland, Arabic music, or jazz. Recreating the spirit of the sounds that thrived in Cairo during the first half of the 20th century, spiced with Nordic touches, they present their project with this album.
– Maouzoun – Zanbaq – Maouzoun
– Maouzoun – Raqs – Maouzoun