Mil mundos en Radio 5 (Radio Nacional de España) – Bhutan Baladeers – 9/9/24

Bhutan Baladeers

Desde el corazón del Himalaya nos llegan los ecos musicales y poéticos de los baladistas de Bután, o Bhutan Balladeers, tal y como se les presenta en este disco: “Your face is like the moon, your eyes are stars” (‘Tu cara es como la luna, tus ojos son estrellas’). Son artistas populares que preservan formas centenarias cantadas en tibetano clásico, una lengua que solo los que se dedican a su estudio aún comprenden en ese montañoso país. El productor y explorador musical Ian Brennan, siempre a contracorriente de lo que dicta el mercado musical, en connivencia con el sello Glitterbeat Records, es el culpable de que lleguen a nuestros oídos tan inusuales y fascinantes músicas.

From the heart of the Himalayas come the musical and poetic echoes of the Bhutan Balladeers with this album: “Your face is like the moon, your eyes are stars”. They are folk artists who preserve centuries-old forms sung in classical Tibetan, a language that only those who dedicate themselves to its study still understand in that mountainous country. The producer and musical explorer Ian Brennan, always against the mainstream of what the music market dictates, in cahoots with Glitterbeat Records, is to blame for bringing such unusual and fascinating music to our ears.

Bhutan Balladeers – The sun has emerged from the clouds – Your face is like the moon, your eyes are stars
Bhutan Balladeers – I was unhappy in my marriage – Your face is like the moon, your eyes are stars