Mundofonías 2020 #34 | Sones del norte / Northern tunes

Recorremos Escandinavia de la mano de Groupa, entre otros artistas, con sus tres últimos discos dedicados a las músicas de Islandia, Noruega y Suecia. Partimos después hacia la Federación Rusa, con sones inspirados en las tradiciones baskiria, askenazí y rusa.

We travel across Scandinavia thanks to the band Groupa, among other artists, and their three last albums, dedicated to the folk music of Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Then we move to the Russian Federation, playing some tunes inspired by the Bashkir, Ashkenazi and Russian traditions.


· Groupa – Þórður sér þá Sörli beint – Kind of folk, vol. 3: Iceland
· Groupa – Bykle – Kind of folk, vol. 2: Norway
· Groupa Liten ko och hallingar – Kind of folk, vol. 1: Sweden
· Frode Nyvold – Eg vil nå aldri gifta meg – Soldater og redelig sjømenn: Folkelige viser / Songs from the Norwegian tradition
· Grey-haired Ural – Arbau (Bashkir song) – Spring water
· Dobranotch – Nign – Folk and great tunes from Russia (VA)
· Varevo – Molodaya – Folk and great tunes from Russia (VA)
· Beneath the Сlouds – Nightingale  Folk and great tunes from Russia (VA)
· Zubcy – Zakl zag – Folk and great tunes from Russia (VA)

Imagen / Image:  Groupa