Mundofonías 2018 #82 | Latinoamericanos, europeos y afrooccidentales / Latin American, European and Western African

Hablamos del festival Xera en Jerez de la Frontera, donde se reunirán de manera excepcional los componentes de La Jambre. Continuamos con más sones populares latinoamericanos, europeos y afrooccidentales.

We talk about Xera festival in Jerez de la Frontera, where the members of La Jambre will exceptionally gather together again on stage. We continue with more Latin American, European and Western African popular tunes.

· La Jambre – El río de Alejandría – The ultimate guide to Spanish folk [VA]
· Antonio Castrignanò – Aria caddhipulina – Aria caddhipulina
· Emma Ahlberg Ek – Nattåget – Hillevi
· Bohemian Betyars – Utcabetyár – Csavargó
· Magos Herrera & Brooklyn Rider – Balderrama – Dreamers
· Bixiga 70 – Torre – Quebra cabeça
· Dawda Jobarteh – Karang folo – I met her by the river
· Dawda Jobarteh – Afro blue – I met her by the river
· Baba Commandant and the Mandingo Band – Siraba kele – Siri ba kele
· (Baba Commandant and the Mandingo Band – Mantcha mantcha – Siri ba kele)

Imagen Image: Dawda Jobarteh